Wanderlust Tours

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Animal of the Month

Happy October! We have a Pop Quiz!! Don't scroll yet!  

What is the world's fastest animal?

Do you know?? 

Most people would be able to guess that the African cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. (Hopefully you were one of them.) 

But the real question is about #2! 

Do you know the world's second fastest animal? It is also the fastest in North America... and it's a species that has been around for 20 million years. 

Do you know what it is yet??

This animal looks like a deer but is more closely related to the giraffe! 

Their eyesight is EIGHT times better than ours! 

Okay if you don't know it yet, I'll tell you. 

One of the coolest animals in central Oregon is the Pronghorn!

Photo from animalspot.net. Click the photo for more information.

They are one of the most beautiful and majestic animals in North America. They are also super fast! Their running pace is about the same as the speed limit on the Parkway though they can burst to about 65 mph. Though cheetahs and jaguars aren't chasing our Oregon Pronghorns, there are only about 1,000 left in the area. They love the wide open desert areas where they can roam and search for sagebrush, bitterbrush, wildflowers and more. 

Oregon Bitterbrush in the High Desert

Photo by vqronline. Click for more information. 

Look at the cool white stripes on their necks! Those stripes are a  beautiful and distinctive feature of the Pronghorn. While this group above may be migrating south for winter, Pronghorn Resort here in central Oregon stays open year-round! If you're looking to visit Bend soon, this is a great place to stay! 

We hope you are enjoying this change of season and change of pace. Keep an eye out for our friends the Pronghorn!